



"Wealth condensation in a simple model of economy", J.-P. Bouchaud and M. Mezard, Physica A 282 536 (2000).


We introduce a simple model of economy, where the time evolution is described by an
equation capturing both exchange between individuals and random speculative trading,
in such a way that the fundamental symmetry of the economy under an arbitrary change
of monetary units is insured. We investigate a mean-field limit of this equation and
show that the distribution of wealth is of the Pareto (power-law) type. The Pareto
behaviour of the tails of this distribution appears to be robust for finite range models,
as shown using both a mapping to the random ‘directed polymer’ problem, as well as
numerical simulations. In this context, a transition between an economy dominated
by a few individuals from a situation where the wealth is more evenly spread out,
is found. An interesting outcome is that the distribution of wealth tends to be very
broadly distributed when exchanges are limited, either in amplitude or topologically.
Favoring exchanges (and, less surprisingly, increasing taxes) seems to be an efficient
way to reduce inequalities.